- 嘉圖二十週年,Grotto SKW, 香港
- HOMELAND in TRANSIT: Through the Clouds, Onkili,巴塞爾,瑞士
- 香港癌症基金會慈善拍賣,典亞藝博,香港
- 典亞藝博,嘉圖現代藝術,香港
- 石頭記,藝倡畫廊,香港
- 香港巴塞爾藝術展,嘉圖現代藝術,香港
- 一園六季,Para Site藝術空間,香港
- 典亞藝博,嘉圖現代藝術,香港
- 臆象 ── 粵港澳大灣區當代水墨藝術譜系(2000-2020),廣東美術館
- 新神劇場,Rossi Rossi,香港
- 北京当代,墨齋,北京
- 嘉圖現代藝術,水墨藝博,香港會議展覽中心
- 一起義賣,艺鵠,香港
- HOMELAND in TRANSIT, Onkili, 巴塞爾,瑞士
- 結隊向前行:新亞七十藝術展, HART Hall,香港
- 嘉圖現代藝術,香港巴塞爾藝術展,香港會議展覽中心
- 嘉圖現代藝術,香港巴塞爾藝術展,香港會議展覽中心
- 嘉圖現代藝術,水墨藝博,香港會議展覽中心
- 嘉圖現代藝術,香港巴塞爾藝術展,香港會議展覽中心
- 全球水墨畫大展,香港會議展覽中心
- 嘉圖現代藝術,典亞藝博,香港會議展覽中心
- 嘉圖現代藝術,水墨藝博,香港會議展覽中心
- Awakening – between enlightenment and salvation,嘉圖現代藝術,香港
- 嘉圖現代藝術,香港巴塞爾藝術展,香港會議展覽中心
- FIRST OPEN,佳士得,香港
- 香港癌症基金會慈善拍賣,香港Affordable Art Fair,香港會議展覽中心
- 嘉圖現代藝術,典亞藝博,香港會議展覽中心
- 嘉圖現代藝術,水墨藝博,香港會議展覽中心
- 懷古堂,亞洲藝術慶典(春季),美國紐約市
- 嘉圖現代藝術,香港巴塞爾藝術展,香港會議展覽中心
- 懷古堂,A Separate Dimension,美國紐約市
- 嘉圖現代藝術,典亞藝博,香港會議展覽中心
- 嘉圖現代藝術,水墨藝博,香港會議展覽中心
- 嘉圖現代藝術,香港巴塞爾藝術展,香港會議展覽中心
- 嘉圖現代藝術,典亞藝博,香港會議展覽中心
- 繪畫大道中(五) 緘默有時,香港兆基創意書院展覽廳
- 嘉圖現代藝術,Scope,美國紐約市
- 嘉圖現代藝術,香港巴塞爾藝術展,香港會議展覽中心
- 「一墨相承 :香港藝術家十二人展展售會」,香港蘇富比藝術空間
- 「七十後:新水墨──怡情齋收藏展」,香港蘇富比藝術空間
- 嘉圖現代藝術,Scope,美國紐約市
- 嘉圖現代藝術,香港國際古玩及藝術品博覽會,香港會議展覽中心
- 嘉圖現代藝術,香港國際藝術展12,香港會議展覽中心
- 嘉圖現代藝術,亞洲藝術展,美國邁亞美
- 嘉圖現代藝術,香港國際藝術展11,香港會議展覽中心
- 嘉圖現代藝術,香港國際古玩及藝術品博覽會,香港會議展覽中心
- 嘉圖現代藝術,香港國際藝術展10,香港會議展覽中心
- 嘉圖現代藝術,香港國際古玩及藝術品博覽會,香港會議展覽中心
- 嘉圖現代藝術,香港國際藝術展09,香港會議展覽中心
- 嘉圖現代藝術,香港國際古玩及藝術品博覽會,香港會議展覽中心
- 嘉圖現代藝術,香港國際藝術展08,香港會議展覽中心
- 「超以象外─中國抽繪畫作品展」,澳門藝術博物館
- 寄隅藝術空間,漢雅軒,香港中環
- 「香港藝術中心三十周年藝術獎」參賽作品展,香港藝術中心
- 「香港藝術中心三十周年藝術獎」入圍作品展,香港國際古玩及藝術品博覽會,香港會議展覽中心
- 「衍生主義」,不一藝術,香港銅鑼灣
- 「墨而後思」,香港現代水墨新演繹,火炭Blue Lotus Gallery
- 「一个酥」,香港中文大學藝術系畢業展,香港中文大學文物館
- 「敦煌.畫訪」,敦煌、雲崗佛教藝術考察之旅,香港中文大學新亞書院許氏文化館
- 「山寨作業」藝術系畢業生聯展,奧海城一期地下「OC藝廊」
- 「東京株式會社」,許讓成暑期藝術交流計劃,香港中文大學新亞書院許氏文化館
- 聯展「勞韋康個展」,香港中文大學邵逸夫堂留足展覽廳
One-man Exhibitions
Presentations and Group Exhibitions
Brushstrokes and Beyond, Axel Vervoordt Gallery, Hong Kong
Kathmandu Triennale 2077, Kathmandu, Nepal
Wild Imagination, Macao Museum of Art
HOMELAND in TRANSIT, Zollikon, Switzerland
Art Basel Hong Kong, Grotto Fine Art, Hong Kong
- Grotto 20th Anniversary, Grotto SKW, Hong Kong
- HOMELAND in TRANSIT: Through the Clouds, Onkili, Basel, Switzerland
- Hong Kong Cancer Fund Charity Auction, Fine Art Asia,Hong Kong
- Fine Art Asia, Grotto Fine Art, Hong Kong
- Pop Rock, Alisan Fine Arts, Hong Kong
- Art Basel Hong Kong, Grotto Fine Art, Hong Kong
- Garden of Six Seasons, Para Site, Hong Kong
- Fine Art Asia, Grotto Fine Art, Hong Kong
- Wild Imagination,Guangdong Museum of Art
- Theatre of New Gods, presented by by Rossi Rossi, Hong Kong
- Beijing Contemporary 2019, presented by INK STUDIO, Beijing
- Ink Asia, presented by Grotto Fine Art, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
- we support, presented by ACO Art Space, Hong Kong
- HOMELAND in TRANSIT, presented by Onkili, Basel, Switzerland
- Together We March Forward, New Asia 70th Anniversary Art Exhibition, HART Hall, Hong Kong
- Art Basel Hong Kong, presented by Grotto Fine Art, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
- Art Basel Hong Kong, presented by Grotto Fine Art, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
- Ink Asia, presented by Grotto Fine Art, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
- Art Basel Hong Kong, presented by Grotto Fine Art, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
- Ink Global 2017, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
- Fine Art Asia, presented by Grotto Fine Art, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
- Ink Asia, presented by Grotto Fine Art, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
- Awakening – between enlightenment and salvation, presented by Grotto Fine Art, Hong Kong
- Art Basel Hong Kong, presented by Grotto Fine Art, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
- FIRST OPEN, Christie’s, Hong Kong
- Hong Kong Cancer Fund Charity Auction, Affordable Art Fair Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
- Fine Art Asia, presented by Grotto Fine Art, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
- Ink Asia, presented by Grotto Fine Art, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
- Asia Week (Spring), Elegant Solutions, presented by Kaikodo, New York City, USA
- Art Basel Hong Kong, presented by Grotto Fine Art, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
- A Separate Dimension, presented by Kaikodo, New York City, USA
- Fine Art Asia, presented by Grotto Fine Art, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
- Ink Asia, presented by Grotto Fine Art, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
- Art Basel Hong Kong, presented by Grotto Fine Art, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
- Fine Art Asia, presented by Grotto Fine Art, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
- Taciturn, Painting On and On (5), Gallery HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity, Hong Kong
- Scope, presented by Grotto Fine Art, New York City, USA
- Art Basel Hong Kong, presented by Grotto Fine Art
- The Spirit of Ink: 12 Hong Kong Artists, A selling Exhibition, Sotheby’s Gallery Hong Kong
- New Ink, An Exhibition of Ink Art by Post 1970 Artists from Yiqingzhai Collection, Sotheby’s Gallery Hong Kong
- Scope, presented by Grotto Fine Art, New York City, USA
- Hong Kong International Antiques & Arts Fair, presented by Grotto Fine Art, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
- ARTHK12, presented by Grotto Fine Art, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
- Asia Art Fair, presented by Grotto Fine Art, Miami, USA
- Hong Kong International Antiques & Arts Fair, presented by Grotto Fine Art, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
- ARTHK11, presented by Grotto Fine Art, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
- ARTHK10, presented by Grotto Fine Art, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
- Hong Kong International Antiques & Arts Fair, presented by Grotto Fine Art, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
- ARTHK09, presented by Grotto Fine Art, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
- Hong Kong International Antiques & Arts Fair, presented by Grotto Fine Art, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
- ARTHK08, presented by Grotto Fine Art, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
- Beyond the Surface: Chinese Abstract Art, Macao Museum of Art
- Para/Site Central, Hanart, Central, Hong Kong
- Hong Kong Arts Centre 30th Anniversary Award Competition Entries Exhibition, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong
- Hong Kong Arts Centre 30th Anniversary Award Competition Shortlisted Exhibition, Hong Kong International Antiques & Arts Fair, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
- Emergentism, Edge Gallery, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
- Think After Ink, A new interpretation of brush and ink by Hong Kong Artists, Blue Lotus Gallery, Fotan, Hong Kong
- Pas+ry, Graduation Show of the Department of Fine Arts of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, CUHK Art Museum
- Mountain Project, Works by Chinese University of Hong Kong 2006 art graduates, OC Gallery, Olympian City I and Central Plaza
- Traveling through Dunhuang & Yungang: A Study of Buddhist Art, Hui Gallery, Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Tokyo Art Co. Ltd, Y. S. Hui Fine Arts Exhange Programme, Hui Gallery, Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Lo Wai Hong’s Exhibition, the Foyer, Sir Run Run Hall, Chinese University of Hong Kong